Monday, January 20, 2014

Debbie McDonald and Me !

Wonderful visit to our farm by Debbie McDonald and Laura Graves. Come again !

ESMALTADO Gets His First Qualifying Score At I 2

January 11th 2014 - ESMALTADO did us very proud today by getting his first I 2 Qualifying score and a blue ribbon !

Blue Ribbons for Windsor's ARON

Four appearances at Prix St. Georges, four blue ribbons for young Windsor's ARON. My deepest appreciation for the continued support of my Trainer, Shannon Dueck. 

West Side Story Comes to My Arena

Dancer, Choreographer, Producer, Director, screenwriter, Actor and ole friend, David Winters has participated in, directed and produced over 400 television series, television specials, and motion pictures. A living legend widely known for his role as Arab in West Side Story... visited with the family.